Volajte 0902 067 075
Tax refund from Austria, tax refund from the Czech Republic and Germany. We will be happy to help you with other countries as well, just contact us on 0902 067 075.

Czech Republic tax refund

You worked in the Czech Republic and want to return the taxes you paid. Online processing and submission of tax return Czech Republic. You can apply for a tax bonus for your children and various tax discounts directly in the Czech Republic. In case of confusion, do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form. Fill out the tax return form, and if you are interested, we will send the tax return to the Czech Tax Office for you.

Tax refund Germany

You worked in Germany and want to get back the taxes you paid. Online processing and filing of a tax return from Germany. You can apply for social benefits for your children directly in Germany. In case of confusion, do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form. Fill in the form for the tax return, and if you are interested, we will send the tax return to the German Tax Office (Finanzamt Deutschland) for you.

Tax refund Austria

Pracovali ste v Rakúsku a chcete vrátiť dane, ktoré ste zaplatili. Online spracovanie a podanie daňového priznania z Rakúska. Môžete si požiadať o sociálne dávky na Vaše deti priamo v Rakúsku. V prípade nejasností, nás neváhajte osloviť telefonicky, emailom alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára. Vyplňte formulár pre daňové priznanie, a v prípade záujmu daňové priznanie odošleme za Vás na Rakúsky daňový úrad (Finanzamt Österreich)

Tax refund simply online

Tax refund from abroad

If you haven’t worked abroad for a whole year, or you haven’t claimed all deductions and benefits, you will most likely be entitled to a tax refund.
The tax refund is intended for employees, part-timers who worked abroad and want to apply for a tax refund.
We specialize mainly in tax refunds from Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic. You can apply for social benefits for your children directly in Austria. You worked in the Czech Republic and want to return the taxes you paid.
Fill out the online form for a tax refund from the Czech Republic.

We will also help with other countries, contact us via the Form or
on 0902 067 075.

Fill out the online form for a tax refund from the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria

Tax refund from the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany

Tax refund for 2023

You worked abroad and want to return the taxes you paid.
Online processing and submission of a tax return from abroad.
You can apply for social benefits for your children directly in your country.
Fill out the form and we will send the tax return to the financial office for you. You simply send us all the necessary information about the tax return via online submission or by email.
The tax return is prepared by a real accountant, unlike online applications, which cannot advise you or check the correctness of the filled-in data and ensure the correct preparation of the tax return.

Filing a tax return abroad

Employment abroad

You had income from abroad and you need to file a tax return abroad.
You worked abroad for part of the year and paid taxes there, and now you want to refund or return them.
For self-employed nannies who have exceeded the minimum non-taxable income abroad.
You work abroad and need to arrange a tax bonus or social benefits.
In case of confusion, do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form.

Tax refund from the Czech Republic, Tax refund from Austria, Tax refund from Germany

Choose the country for the tax refund

Czech Republic Tax refund

You worked in the Czech Republic and want to return the taxes you paid. Online processing and e-filing of the tax return from the Czech Republic. You can apply for social benefits for your children directly in the Czech Republic. In case of confusion, do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form. Fill in the online form and we will send the tax return electronically to the Czech Tax Office for you, if you are interested.

Austria Tax refund

You had income from employment in Austria and you need to file a tax return. You have exceeded income of 11,000 and you are required to file a tax return in Austria. The Austrian Finanzamt has invited you to file a tax return. everything can be arranged online. In case of confusion, you can contact us by phone, we will be happy to advise you. Experience with more than 1,000 tax returns prepared, all online. Possibility to apply for family allowances for children from Austria

Germany Tax refund

You work in Germany and you need to arrange a tax bonus, social benefits. Processing and submission of a tax return for a full tax refund from Germany.

ING. Martin Vrábel –

Processing and submission of the tax return

I prepare all tax returns personally, as a certified tax advisor registered in the chamber of tax advisors, where I use a financial management program to check the correctness of the return. When processing more than 1000 tax returns, I have enough experience to catch discrepancies that may occur when filling out the form or sending the necessary information to prepare the tax return.

In addition, I offer advice on your living situation regarding taxes and tax returns.

ING. Martin Vrábel – Processing and submission of the tax return. I prepare all tax returns personally, as a certified tax advisor registered in the chamber of tax advisors, where I use a financial management program to check the correctness of the return. By processing more than 1000 tax returns, I have enough experience to catch discrepancies that may occur when filling out the form or sending the necessary information to prepare the tax return.

Our blog

Current news

Tax return 2024. Rules and procedures for tax returns in 2024. In 2024, certain rules and procedures apply to tax returns for personal income tax in Slovakia. It is important to follow all the necessary steps and deadlines in order to file your tax return correctly and on time. Here is some information that may help you

Tax return 2024

Tax return 2024. Rules and procedures for tax returns in 2024. In 2024, certain rules and procedures apply to personal income tax returns in Slovakia. It is important to follow all the necessary steps and deadlines in order to file your tax return correctly and on time. Here is some information that may help you
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