Innovative tax payment. We have a modern and innovative way of paying tax for you. We offer you a simple application that will easily compile your account number for tax payment.
How to fill out a tax return type B in the Slovak Republic. Completing a tax return type B in Slovakia. When it comes to completing a Type B tax return in Slovakia, there are certain steps you must follow to ensure accuracy and compliance with the country's tax regulations.
Tax return 2024. Rules and procedures for tax returns in 2024. In 2024, certain rules and procedures apply to personal income tax returns in Slovakia. It is important to follow all the necessary steps and deadlines in order to file your tax return correctly and on time. Here is some information that may help you
Deadline for filing a tax return for the year 2023. Filing a tax return for income tax for the year 2023 (in 2024) in Slovakia. A natural person submits a tax return for income tax for each calendar year, within three calendar months after the end of the tax period...